The Great Awakening…Christian, Re-Traditionalization, Populist by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
In 2018 we spent a significant amount of time, prayer and (digital) ink on the subject of the Christian resurgence. After Resurrection Sunday 2018 it became quiet clear that Jesus Christ was making His presence known in hearts and souls around the world. We are now learning that what we were seeing is in fact what is happening, not only around the world, but in the U.S. as well. We are told again and again by corporate media and supported by statistics produced by corporate entities that Christianity in the U.S. is floundering with thousands of churches closing their doors each year. We beg to differ.
The church I personally attend is growing, growing fairly rapidly. I understand this is one small church, in neighborhood on the entire planet, I get it. However, I am not the only person seeing this happen. The Belonging Co located in Nashville, Tn, The Orchard in around Chicago, Il are experiencing very strong growth along with Bethel in Redding, Ca.. These three churches, in three very diverse locations, show this is not regional but rather national in scope.
Last summer three members of Bethel’s worship team spoke with Fox News about their experiences as they toured several cities around the country. This was ahead of the Heaven Come Conference 2018 in Dallas, Tx that drew some 6,000 people. I’m predicting their Heaven Come Conference 2019 in Los Angeles, Ca and Dallas, Tx this year will have a stronger turn out than 2018.
The group had just left Boston, where they said 800 people flooded to the front to give their lives to Jesus at the end of the meeting.
“People were so hungry,” Baldwin said. “It does feel like people are re-upping their commitment to the Lord. It’s been powerful every night…we would stop [in worship] and they would lead.” Source
All of this is to say nothing of what is happening around the world. There are currently three events that have taken place during 2018 that are signs of what’s to come and how the Christian world is changing, growing and beginning to break through in spite of what we are continually told through corporate media sources.
Dr. Steve Turley’s report on how Russia is building 3 churches a day. Let that sink in for a minute – 3 churches a day. Is that even possible? Something that most people are not aware of is the fact that President Vladimir Putin is a deeply devout Christian.
The second major change is the opening of the largest Orthodox Christian in Egypt. The opening of this church is significant as it is the largest Christian church in the Middle East.
“I think what we have seen here is historic. I really think it’s a game changer that a Sunni Arab Muslim President of the world’s largest Arab country has built a church, the largest in the Middle East and given it as a gift to the Christians of Egypt. We’ve never seen anything like it in history. And I think President Sisi is sending a message not just to his own people but to all Muslims that Muslims and Christians can live together in coexistence. That’s an extraordinary development,” said Rosenberg. Source
As the Sunni Arab Muslim President stated – ‘it’s a game changer’ as a Christian church is dedicated in the largest Arab nation in the world sends a strong message around the world to both Christians and Muslims a like. In deed this is a game changer. What impact will this have over the coming decade? It will be very, very interesting to see what happens as this church takes root and begins to grow it’s congregation. Will it open off site campuses or will it grow at all?
The third piece in this puzzle is what is happening politically. The populist / nationalist movement that is firmly taking root around the world is playing a role in the Christian resurgence. I have stated the populist / nationalist movement that is springing forth right now is standing on a foundation of Christianity. If you look at the nations with the loudest voices for nationalism they all share a common thread – Christianity. The UK and Brexit. The election of President Trump in the U.S. The recent uprising of Deputy Premier, Salvini in Italy and election of President, Bolsonaro in Brazil all share Christian faith as the predominate religion.
What is currently happening in several other European nation states, like Austria, Spain, Germany and, of course, France, is nothing short of an uprising. France is currently making the biggest headlines as the people of France are, literally, fighting back against an oppressive, tyrannical government. We are seeing massive demonstrations in other nations as well, but they are not grabbing the headlines as they are in France. Belgium, for example, is experiencing similar uprising as France, but not as large a turn out – the uprising is not national, it is more concentrated to Brussels and not much anywhere else in the nation.
These three situations all point, in our opinion, to a Christian resurgence that is just now beginning to take root. It is have been building for the past several years, but over the past 2-3 years the wave is growing to such proportions that it is becoming harder to ignore. A lot of people are going to say that I am wrong and that’s fine. I am going to rebut with – what’s happening in your church and in your community? Are more people moving toward the Light or moving away? If they are not moving toward the Light then why are massive migrations from large crumbling cities, like Baltimore, Chicago, all across California people are leaving in droves. They are not moving to another liberal city, they are moving to a more conservative community with values that are rooted in something – that something, from my perspective is Jesus Christ. Wether they like it, know it or understand it, that’s what they are moving towards. People are going to argue and say it’s economics or this or that, it doesn’t matter. The fact that churches are growing, Jesus is coming back to the conversation and people around the world are tired of being told what is right, acceptable and normal can not be denied.